Sustainable Growth Stream
AFSIC 2022 features a brand new agenda format ordered by industry sector and country focus. You’ll be able to listen to international business leaders and investors deliver exceptional keynotes and informative panels as well as attend excellent interactive networking sessions which will offer new growth projects a platform and allow those seeking investment in growth to meet the growth investors.
Panels and Solo Presentations from AFSIC 2021
FSD Africa Panel: Green Finance
GROWTH Panel: Limited Partners (LPs) Impacting Sustainable Investment into Africa
GROWTH Solo: Renewables in Africa From Talk to Action – Aryeh Green, Gigawatt Global
GROWTH Solo: Gender Lens Venture Investing in sub Saharan Africa – Lisa G. Thomas, Samata Capital
GROWTH Panel: How is the Utility Death Spiral Relevant to Africa?
GROWTH Panel: Leapfrogging – When will the Electricity Grid become Obsolete in Africa?
GROWTH Solo: Launching a first or second time Impact Fund – Challenges and Solutions – Arnaud Gillin, Innpact SA