Speaker/Panellist/Chair/Moderator/Quickfire/Meet The… Information
Detailed notes below are for Solo and Keynote Speakers, Panel Moderators, Panellists, Session Chairs, “Meet The…” Participants, Quickfire Participants, Country Summit Participants, and Country Networking Participants.
Please note that some sessions will be recorded and livestreamed. The content will be added to the AFSIC YouTube channel post the event.
Solo or Keynote Speaker Guidelines
Kindly email speakers@afsic.net with a copy of your presentation by 9th SEPTEMBER 2024. All presentations will be made available to registered delegates on a password protected presentation page on the AFSIC website. If you do not wish your presentation to be uploaded and distributed to all delegates post AFSIC, please advise us of this upon submission.
- Presentations to be in .ppt or .pptx format (Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 onwards)
- Please also include a full PDF export of your presentation to allow us to check your powerpoint has transferred across correctly.
- Presentations to be in 16:9 Widescreen format (Default for PowerPoint 2016). To change this in older versions you need to go to the design tab and go to the slide size icon and change this to Widescreen 16:9
- If presentations use a special or a corporate font, then this needs to be supplied in TTF or OTF at the time of the presentation submission. This will ensure that your presentation displays correctly.
- If presentations use corporate or special colours then the HEX code should be supplied.
- Presentations with Video files should be embedded in the show and attached as a separate file with the file name referencing the presentation. You should also tell us which slide the video is in. If you cannot embed the video please send us the video in as high a resolution as possible and then indicate where in the presentation it needs to go.
- For graphics, if you would rather use an Adobe program or other graphics package, please make the canvas 33.867cm Wide by 19.05cm High. This will then perfectly fit the slide – we can send a template slide by request that can be used to add content and again please feel free to change this to the branding as you wish as this is only a guide.
- If you have any amendments to your presentation after the submission date or if you fail to submit your presentation prior to the event, please bring your presentation on a USB stick to be loaded directly on to the laptop at the venue.
- Please bring your own laser pen if you need one for your presentation. We do not provide laser pens.
- There will be an AV team in your room at all times. You may wish to introduce yourself to the AV team in your room prior to the start of the session especially where you have complex requirements in your presentation (e.g. sound cables). If this is the case we also ask that you advise us at least a month before so that we can ensure that your specific requirements can be addressed. The AV team can brief you on the operation of the roaming mike.
- Upon arrival and registration at AFSIC you will be provided with specific guidelines on where to proceed prior to your presentation/panel time.
- Both handheld and lapel mics are available as per your preference. The AV teams will facilitate this prior to your session.
- Laptops for loading on the presentations will be available at the venue. Due to the large number of companies attending, and the need to run on schedule, almost all presentations will be kept to a strict timeslot.
- There should be a visible stopwatch counting down time remaining, if not a bell will ring once 5 minutes from the end of your allocated time slot to indicate 5 minutes remaining, and twice to indicate that time is up.
- If you finish before your speaking time slot is over there may be time for questions at the discretion of your Session Chair. A roaming microphone will be made available in all rooms in case of questions.
- Please attend all the previous Solo or Keynote speakers’ presentations in your session unless you have pre-advised your Session Chair that you will arrive part way through a session.
- Your audience will include sophisticated institutional investors, research analysts, dealmakers, African business leaders and members of the African press.
- Because of the diversity of companies presenting from a wide range of African countries, we strongly recommend that you convert any financial figures into USD for ease of attending investors.
- The conference organisers do not offer printing facilities on site, although these are available at the conference venue, and locally.
- You may wish to check that your Profile, BIO and Photo have been accurately reflected on the Speaker pages of the AFSIC website.
- Please do not arrange meetings during the session in which you are speaking.
Panellist Guidelines
- You will be provided with the contact details of your Panel Moderator, and fellow Panellists per the timetable above.
- We have requested that the Panel Moderator gets in touch with you prior to AFSIC in order to discuss the structure and running order of your session. If, closer to the event, you have not heard from your Chair, please feel free to contact us so that we can connect you.
- Your Panel Moderator has been requested to advise arrangements for where and when you and your fellow Panellists should meet prior to your Panel Session at AFSIC.
- There will be an AV team in your room at all times. You may wish to introduce yourself to the AV team in your room prior to the start of the session especially if the Panel has any complex AV requirements in your presentation (e.g. sound cables). If this is the case we also ask that you advise us at least a month before so that we can ensure that your specific requirements can be addressed. The AV team can brief you on the operation of the roaming mike.
- Upon arrival and registration at AFSIC you will be provided with specific guidelines on where to proceed prior to your presentation/panel time.
- Both handheld and lapel mics are available as per your preference. The AV teams will facilitate this prior to your session.
- There should be a visible stopwatch counting down time remaining, if not a bell will ring once 5 minutes from the end of your Panel’s time slot to indicate 5 minutes remaining, and twice to indicate that time is up.
- If your Panel finishes discussions before your time slot is over there may be time for questions at the discretion of your Panel Moderator. A roaming microphone and a member of the AFSIC team will be available in the room in case of questions. We request that you ensure that the Panel Discussion runs to time.
- Your audience will include sophisticated institutional investors, research analysts, dealmakers, African business leaders and members of the African press.
- Because of the diversity of companies presenting from a wide range of African countries, we strongly recommend that you convert any financial figures into USD for ease of attending investors.
- The conference organisers do not offer printing facilities on site, although these are available at the conference venue, and locally.
- You may wish to check that your Profile, BIO and Photo have been accurately reflected on the Speaker pages of the AFSIC website.
- Please do not arrange meetings during the session in which you are speaking.
Panel Moderator Guidelines
- You will be provided with the contact details of the panellists that you will be moderating as per the timetable above.
- We suggest that you discuss and structure the running order of your panel with the panellists prior to AFSIC.
- Panel Moderators are requested to make arrangements as to where and when your panel meets prior to your agenda slot. You may wish to collect cellphone contact details from panellists as part of this arrangement. The organisers will be available to assist if required.
- Prior to AFSIC you will be provided with bios and photos of your panellists. When introducing your panel, please note that there is no requirement to read the whole biography but rather just precis a short introduction from the biography provided.
- There will be an AV team in your room at all times. You may wish to introduce yourself to the AV team in your room prior to the start of the session especially if the Panel has any complex AV requirements in your presentation (e.g. sound cables). If this is the case we also ask that you advise us at least a month before so that we can ensure that your specific requirements can be addressed. The AV team can brief you on the operation of the roaming mike.
- Upon arrival and registration at AFSIC you will be provided with specific guidelines on where to proceed prior to your presentation/panel time.
- Both handheld and lapel mics are available as per your preference. The AV teams will facilitate this prior to your session.
- There should be a visible stopwatch counting down time remaining in your session, if not a bell will ring once 5 minutes from the end of your allocated time slot to indicate 5 minutes remaining, and twice to indicate that time is up
- If you finish before your panel’s time slot is over, there may be time for questions at your discretion. A roaming microphone and an AFSIC team member will be available in the room in case of questions. If you decide to take questions from the audience, please pay close attention that the session finishes on time.
- Your audience will include sophisticated institutional investors, research analysts, dealmakers, African business leaders, and members of the African press.
- Because of the diversity of companies presenting from a wide range of African countries, we strongly recommend that you convert any financial figures into USD for ease of attending investors.
- The conference organisers do not offer printing facilities on site, although these are available at the conference venue, and locally.
- You may wish to check that your Profile, BIO and Photo have been accurately reflected on the Speaker pages of the AFSIC website.
- Please do not arrange meetings during the session in which you are the Panel Moderator.
Session Chair Guidelines
- As a session Chair your role will be to introduce the “solo” speakers within your allocated time period and to introduce any panel moderators in your session. The panel moderators (not you) will be responsible for introducing their panellists. We ask that you are also responsible for the good timekeeping of all the sessions, including panels, within your allocated slot to avoid disruption of other sessions during AFSIC.
- Prior to AFSIC you will be provided with bios and photos of the speakers you will be introducing. Please note that there is no requirement to read the whole biography but rather just precis a short introduction from the biography provided.
- There will be an AV team in your room at all times. You may wish to introduce yourself to the AV team in your room prior to the start of the session especially if any of your session speakers has any complex AV requirements in your presentation (e.g. sound cables). However note that they will have been asked to do this themselves.
- Upon arrival and registration at AFSIC you will be provided with specific guidelines on where to proceed prior to your session.
- Both handheld and lapel mics are available as per your preference. The AV teams will facilitate this prior to your session.
- Laptops for loading on the presentations will be available at the venue. Due to the large number of companies attending, and the need to run on schedule, we ask that you ensure that all presentations be strictly kept to the time allocated.
- There may be an electronic countdown clock in the room. If not a bell will ring once 5 minutes from the end of a speaker’s allocated time slot. The bell will ring twice when the allocated time slot has ended. We request you ensure that the speaker finishes at that time.
- If a speaker finishes before the allocated time slot has ended there may be time for questions from the audience. This is at your discretion. A roaming microphone and AFSIC team member will be available in your room in case of questions. If you do allow questions please ensure that the sessions runs strictly to time.
- The audience will include sophisticated institutional investors, research analysts, dealmakers, African business leaders and members of the African press.
- Because of the diversity of companies presenting from a wide range of African countries, we strongly recommend that you convert any financial figures into USD for ease of attending investors.
- The conference organisers do not offer printing facilities on site, although these are available at the conference venue, and locally.
- You may wish to check that your Profile, BIO and Photo have been accurately reflected on the Speaker pages of the AFSIC website.
- Please do not arrange meetings during the session in which you are the Chair.
Multiple “Meet The …” Events (such as Meet the DFIs, Meet the Impact Investors) are built into the fabric of AFSIC.
These are opportunities to meet a wide range of companies, investors and dealmakers across Africa in a really short period of time. Break the ice, establish rapport, initiate business, trade and investment discussions, create new relationships and much more.
Speakers who are confirmed for these events do not require a formal presentation but will be offered a posing table for one hour in their dedicated session. These sessions are structured as free flowing networking events and other delegates will come to meet the “speakers” at the posing tables.
These are exciting, dynamic, rapid and focused presentations highlighting multiple investment opportunities. The presentations are designed to whet investors’ appetite, which can be followed up during AFSIC or in post AFSIC meetings and the pitch is limited to 5 minutes.
- Presentations to be in .ppt or .pptx format (we recommend maximum 5 slides).
- Your Quickfire slot is 3 minutes presentation time plus 2 minutes question and discussion time.
- Each Quickfire session is 1 hour long with a maximum of 12 presentations.
- Please arrive 10 minutes before the session and introduce yourself to the AFSIC staff.
- Each session is moderated by an investor who will introduce you and encourage feedback and questions and keep strictly to time.
- There will be AV and a technician in the room.
- Please make full use the AFSIC Event App which goes live early September to complete your profile and post to delegates to raise awareness about your capital raising and pitching session.
Within these summits you can expect panels, investment pitching, and high level networking with many of the country’s most dynamic business leaders, and dealmakers. Investors with a mandate allowing them to invest in that country will attend with a view to developing new business relationships and uncovering business, trade and investment opportunities.
The structure of each country investment summit varies with the sponsoring company choosing the way they run the session but as as country summit participant you may be asked to join a panel so no formal presentation is required.
These will be freeflowing networking sessions, where there are no formal presentations are required.
The Country Networking Sessions are designed to facilitate the development of new business partnerships and to match business, trade and investment opportunities in the selected country.