14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Thomas Festerling 2021 Speaker

CFO & Founder
GreenTec Capital GmbH
Thomas is GreenTec’s CFO and co-founder, who brought his extensive financial and investment background to the development of GreenTec’s investment approach. Thomas is a specialist for financing, investor relations and business planning. In the middle of a successful career at Deutsche Bank (DB), Thomas decided to apply his wealth of financial expertise towards work with more direct impact. Familiar with the challenges in emerging markets through his family ties to Peru, he started by volunteering with several projects in Africa and Latin America. Experiencing that his abilities and knowledge could make a significant difference for companies and projects that wanted to grow in Emerging Markets, he decided to make it his full-time business. Thomas was head of Product Management (International & Customized Funds) at DB’s Asset Management subsidiary and was promoted to Director within 5 years, resulting in more than 10 years of financial experience and a comprehensive network in the financial industry.
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