Shamin A. Sookia 2021 Speaker

Shamin A. Sookia

Managing Director

Perigeum Capital Ltd


Shamin A. Sookia joined Perigeum Capital as Managing Director as from July 2016, following a 30‐year career spanning across various fields including auditing, taxation, management and consultancy services, global business and financial restructuring.

He is a fellow member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA – UK) and of Chartered Institute of Management Accountants ( CIMA ‐ UK ), as well as a holder of an MSc in IT (Business Information Systems) from Keele University, UK and an MBA in Marketing from University of Mauritius. He has also been a member of the Audit Committee of CIMA Central, Eastern, Western and Southern Africa for six consecutive years as from year 2007 and was previously a board member of the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants (MIPA).

He previously held the position of Finance Director in the textile industry for a period of 5 years followed by a similar finance directorship position in the beverage industry, for a period of approximately 5 years. He hereafter joined the Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) as Head of Listing in 2005.

As Head of Listing of the SEM, he was actively involved in the development of new and innovative products in the context of SEM’s strategic shift to move up the value chain of new listed and traded products and closely engaged in setting up the regulatory framework that governed the listing of a multitude of varied products on the SEM.

He was also closely involved in creating the enabling space for international ventures to list and raise capital on the Exchange and involved in the listing of innovative products on SEM ‐ ETFs, Structured Products, Specialist Debt Securities & Eurobonds and Global Business Companies.
He has successfully reinforced his leadership skills over the years through the following experiences:
• Member of the Listing Executive Committee of the SEM and the SEM Consultative Committee for the review of the Listing Rules for the Official Market
• Chairing the Steering Committee for the implementation of the DEM, which was launched in 2006
• Member of the Committee instituted by the Ministry of Finance for the implementation of XBRL in Mauritius
• Member of the Compliance and Enforcement Subcommittee of the Committee for the Revision of the Code of Corporate Governance in Mauritius
• Member of the Financial Services Consultative Council under the aegis of the Ministry of Finance
• Member of FSC/SEM/CDS Surveillance Sub-Committee under the aegis of the Financial Services Commission ( FSC )
• Member of the SEM/ FRC Joint Committee to look into matters relating to financial reporting of listed companies
• Member of the SEM Sustainability Index Supervisory Committee
• Member of the jury panel for 2 consecutive years in the context of BPA (Best Published Accounts) Award organized by PWC Mauritius


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