14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Sebastien Duquet 2021 Speaker

Member of the General management - CCO - Chef Commercial Officer
As Chief Commercial Officer, Sebastien is leading the development of SunFunder products and funds. He will particularly be involved in the fundraising of the coming “Gigaton Empowerment fund”.
From 20218 to mid 2021, as Chief Investment Officer, Sebastien was supervising the investment process, portfolio allocation and funds valuation of Symbiotics managed Sicavs – USD 1.8 Bn and 21 sub funds under management- as such he was also Chairman of the board of the two Symbiotics Sicav in Luxembourg and the CEO of the AIFM company of the group in Paris.
From 2016 to 2018, Sebastien joined Oxus as a CEO of this microfinance group of 1000 staff worldwide. From 2009 to 2016, Sebastien was part of the management team of responsAbility. At responsAbility he was directly in charge of the debt investments portfolio of responsAbility in Eastern Europe, Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asia (portfolio size of 820 million USD invested in 103 organizations in the region), was involved in the development of new debt funds and products (Agriculture Fair trade fund, Global Climate Partnership Fund) and of the investors relationship with French, Belgium and Luxembourgish clients and several DFIs.
As CEO of PlaNet Finance from 2005 to 2009, he managed and fundraised on a worldwide basis more than 200 programs of technical assistance in microfinance, agriculture value chain, renewable energy acess and SME Banks downscaling. He is also a co founder of FinanCités (microventure capital in France ) and Planet Guarantee (one of the largest worldwide broker in microinsurance).
From 1995 to 2005, Sébastien worked for Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young as a TAS Senior Director (Transaction Advisory Services). During those 10 years, he was involved in 73 transactions predominantly in the banking sector in France (takeover by HSBC of CCF, ..) and emerging markets (in Tunisia, Morocco, Madagascar, Bosnia, Serbia, Czech republic…).
Sébastien holds a diploma from the French Business School EDHEC (with a major in finance) and from the DESCF (Chartered Accountant). He is a teacher at Sciences PO Paris and EDHEC Business School.
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