14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Rupert McCammon 2021 Speaker

Founder and Managing Director
Rupert McCammon graduated from the Cass Business School, City University London, with a 1st Class (Hons) degree in Banking & International Finance in 1991. He was responsible for managing the Botswana Stock Exchange, and Botswana’s only stockbroking company in the mid-1990s, at a time when the Botswana Stock Exchange was one of the best performing stock exchanges in the world. He established the Capital Group, a financial services group in 1998, and expanded the Group in 2005 to include Capital Resources LLP, a UK registered and FSA regulated entity, with a focus on Africa’s rapidly developing infrastructure, energy and resource sector. He has travelled extensively across all parts of Africa, and invested in companies operating in many parts of Africa. He is the Founder of Afinitas Limited, a listed company responsible for seeding new venture capital companies across multiple sectors in Africa. He established the AFSIC Conference in 2013 as a way to raise the profile of Africa as an investment destination, to specifically highlight quality African investment opportunities, and to accelerate the inward flow of investment from global investors into Africa.
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