7th – 9th OCTOBER 2024 | LONDON
Rob Kelso 2018 Speaker
Chief Operating Officer
SA Home Loans, South Africa
Rob is a Chartered Accountant by training, and has extensive financial services experience with a particular focus on securitization and debt origination. He joined SA Home Loans in 2005, and previously filled the role of CFO for 10 years. In his current role as Group COO, Rob has responsibility for the execution of group strategies across all operational business units, as well as executive oversight of the Finance & Treasury functions, and non-executive responsibilities in respect of the insurance and life assurance operations of the group.
SA Home Loans is the largest non-bank mortgage lender in South Africa, and the pre-eminent issuer of Residential Mortgage Backed Securitisations in the country’s capital markets, having securitised in excess of ZAR 50 billion of home loans through 20 separate securitisation transactions. The company’s funding platforms are further diversified through a ZAR 6bn short term note programme issuing 3 month commercial paper, and a number of private, bilateral funding structures with a combined value of in excess of ZAR 45bn.
SA Home Loans has a strong focus on growing its presence in the affordable housing sector, through end user finance and its role as an appointed servicer to an affordable housing development fund. It has further contributed towards enabling increased access to home finance for government employees through its role as a partner to the Government employee housing scheme, and innovative product solutions for this sector.
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