14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Richard Lackey 2021 Speaker

World Food Bank Inc
Mr. Lackey is a serial entrepreneur with 8 +years of experience in emergency medicine and 20+ years of experience in fund management. Before founding the World Food Bank, he was the founder of the Global Food Exchange which formulated a network of stored food in the United States for response to natural disasters. His vision for the World Food Bank is a similar network of stored commodities with the intent of reducing price volatility through offtake guarantees to small farmers who use high quality inputs and good agricultural practices as well as supply being put back into markets before price spikes to insure manufacturers can operate confidently throughout the year.
Mr. Lackey has authored several book on investing and market efficiency, including his last best-seller “Radical Response: Free Market Solutions to Global Crises” which is going through its second iteration. He is also a two-time TEDx Speaker, with his latest talk “From Poverty to Prosperity For Less than a Dollar” is coming out in October of 2019.
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