14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Pazani Vaitilingon 2023 Speaker

Head - Fund & Asset Managers
“Pazani Vaitilingon is currently the Head of Fund & Asset Managers at IQ-EQ Mauritius and segmental lead for the AIME (Africa, India & Middle East) region. As a seasoned professional with over 15 years experience in the financial services sector, Pazani has strong hands-on PE knowledge having been exposed to major areas of the global business sector in Mauritius notably fund administration, fund setup and structuring, fund accounting, investor relations and treasury management.
Pazani is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of England and Wales and holds a first class degree in Management with Finance. He is also a member of the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants and Mauritius Institute of Directors.”
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