14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Paul Boynton 2017 Speaker

Chief Executive Officer
Old Mutual Alternative Investments (OMAI), All Africa
Paul has been Head of Alternative Investments since 2004. This boutique is responsible for the group’s investments in infrastructure, private equity, impact investment and mezzanine debt. He chairs the Alternative Assets Investment Committee and has served on the boards of African Infrastructure Investment Managers, Assore, African Clean Energy Development, CIT, J&J, Life Healthcare, Metcash, Mezzanine Partners, Old Mutual Investment Group, Pepkor, Tourvest and Pembani. He also chaired Green Hands, Old Mutual Investment Group’s Social Development Forum, for 10 years. Paul’s entire career has been involved in investment and capital markets. His previous work experience includes serving articles with Deloittes in Johannesburg where he qualified as a chartered accountant. He then spent seven years as an investment banker at Investec. Paul joined Old Mutual in 1995. He spent five years as the Portfolio Manager of the Old Mutual Life Funds (at the time a US$50 billion portfolio and the largest balanced mandate in the country) and three years as Head of Investment Views, formulating the investment house view and model portfolio for Old Mutual Investment Group. Over these periods, the Life Funds and fully discretionary balanced funds, respectively, delivered top quartile performance.
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