14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Kamil Sayour 2023 Speaker

Kamil holds a Bachelor of Science in electronics engineering from the American University in Cairo and deepened his specialization at the University of California in San Diego. He worked with IBM on developing cutting-edge automotive technology and later with McKinsey&Company on strategy and operations projects for diverse industries. Following his successful stint at McKinsey, he decided to combine his expertise with Mostafa Mobarak, and launch Solera in 2014. Solera is an MEP & Solar Energy contractor that manages various large scale projects in Egypt with more than 30mn USD in revenues in 2022 and home to more than 400 employees. Today, both founders have decided to accept more challenges and lead a new venture under the name of SETTLE aiming to enhance the B2B payments sector in Egypt.
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