Eren Kelekci 2024 Speaker

Chief Investment Officer, Food & Agriculture and Forestry

African Development Bank


Eren has 20 years of professional experience in the investment industry on a wide range of asset classes, investment strategies/solutions and geographies both in direct and fund investments. Eren joined the African Development Bank in 2018 as Chief Investment Officer, Food and Agriculture, focusing on the origination and execution of private sector transactions across Africa. Prior to joining the Bank, Eren was leading a Impact investment platforms across emerging and frontier markets through a range of investment vehicles, advisory solutions and technical assistance mechanisms. Eren’s role included the design, creation and management of the platform, funds and team; establishing joint ventures and building local investment teams; sourcing and executing equity investments; developing strategic partnerships, actively raising funds among institutional investors and representing the institution on a number of Boards and Investment Committees across MENA, Central Asia and South-East Asia.


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