14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Collins Amponsah-Mensah 2017 Speaker

Council Chair
Ghana Microfinance Institutions Network, Ghana
Mr. Amponsah-Mensah is the Chief Executive Officer of Pathway Microfinance Limited a licensed deposit-taking institution in Ghana; a graduate of the University of Ghana Business School and the University of Wales. He holds a degree in BSc. Administration (accounting) and MBA (Strategic Management). Has ten(10) years’ experience in Development Finance with World Vision Ghana and 8 years in microfinance management. He is currently the National Board Chairman of the Ghana Association of Microfinance Companies (GAMC) which is an umbrella body for all licensed deposit-taking microfinance institutions in Ghana. He is also the current Council Chair of the Ghana Microfinance Institutions Network (GAMFIN), a network institution comprising all seven microfinance umbrella associations in Ghana. He is a Part-time lecturer at the University of Cape Coast Economics Department where he teaches a course in Microfinance at the post-graduate level. He also teaches Banking Applications at the Kumasi Technical University.
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