Cacious Siboleka 2017 Speaker

Private Equity Specialist

Government Institutions Pension Fund, All Africa


Cacious is an Investment Professional in excess of over 13 years’ experience in Investment Management. He is currently a Private Equity Specialist for the Government Institutions Pension Fund (‘GIPF’). He has a strong track record in developing economic/technical/financial models, Due Diligence, Business Plans, Business process and Studies. He is well experienced in Strategy, Project Finance, Private Equity and Infrastructure investing both locally, South Africa, Africa and Internationally. He holds a Bachelor of Accounting degree from University of Namibia, Certification in Security Investment Analysis from the Investment Analyst Society of Southern Africa and an MBA from the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business. He was an MBA Exchange Student in 2015 at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology; were he studied Innovation, Culture & Entrepreneurship. Additionally, he currently serves as a Principal Officer for Kuleni Preservation Fund.


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