14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Banji Fehintola 2022 speaker

Senior Director, Head of Treasury & Financial Institutions
Africa Finance Corporation
Banji Fehintola is Senior Director and Head of Treasury & Financial Institutions at Africa Finance Corporation (AFC). He is responsible for managing the Corporation’s balance sheet with total assets of about US$4.5 billion and leading the implementation of its annual funding program in the international loan and debt capital markets. Banji joined AFC in January 2008 and as the pioneer Treasurer of the Corporation, he was instrumental in setting up the Corporation’s treasury function and leading AFC to becoming one of the leading African credits in the international loan and debt capital markets.
Banji Fehintola has led several landmark borrowing transactions that AFC has executed since its inception. He manages AFC’s relationship with its rating agencies, bankers and asset managers. AFC in one of the highest investment grade rated entities in Africa with a credit rating of A3 (Stable Outlook) from Moody’s. Prior to joining AFC, Banji Fehintola worked with the Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities team of Citibank Nigeria and the Tax and Business Advisory Division of former Arthur Andersen. He is a Chartered Accountant, with a first degree in Economics and a Masters degree in International Finance. He is also a CFA Charter holder.
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