14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Aryeh Green 2021 Speaker

Chief Strategy Officer
Gigawatt Global
Aryeh Green is Chief Strategy Officer at Gigawatt Global, a Dutch company backed by American and European investors, headquartered in Jerusalem, Israel, developing renewable energy projects in Africa.
Aryeh has been a business executive and consultant in leading international companies for the past three decades, including working for Pfizer, Motto Guzzi, Bank Hapoalim, Aladdin, Audiocodes, ECI Telecom and many other public and private corporations., and was a senior policy advisor to Natan Sharansky in Israel’s prime minister’s office. He continues to be active promoting freedom and democracy in the Middle East, and was co-founder and director of MediaCentral, a Jerusalem-based project providing services for the foreign media in Israel, for over a decade.
Aryeh is also the author of My Israel Trail: Finding Peace in Promised Land about his hike on the 800-mile Israel National Trail and overcoming personal challenges (www.myisraeltrail.com), and serves on the boards of a number of non-profits as well.
Aryeh was born in Washington DC, a direct descendent of one of the first Jewish families in North America (who arrived in 1690); he grew up in San Francisco, and holds a BA in psychology from UC Berkeley, an MA in international relations from Hebrew University, and a Masters in business management from Boston University & Ben Gurion University.
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