14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Andrew Pandeka Chimphondah 2019 Speaker

Managing Director
Shelter Afrique, All Africa
Shelter Afrique, the Pan-African finance institution dealing exclusively with providing affordable housing finance and advisory solutions in Africa appointed Mr Andrew Chimphondah as Managing Director in September 2018.
Mr Chimphondah, a Zimbabwean national is a Chartered Accountant who is a member of both the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe(ICAZ) .He holds an MBA majoring in International Finance from the Durham University Business School (United Kingdom). He is currently completing his PHD thesis on innovative housing finance solutions for the affordable housing market with the Da Vinci Institute in South Africa.
Mr Chimphondah , has more than 20 years Finance and Business executive leadership experience in real estate finance ,retail and wholesale banking.
He has also worked at Housing Investment Partners (PTY) Limited where he served as the Group Chief Executive where he grew the assets under management ten-fold in four years .He has also worked as the Managing Executive for National Housing Finance Corporation which is the largest developmental financial institution in Southern Africa . He has also served at Director and Managing Executive Levels focusing on home loans at ABSA and the Standard Bank in South Africa.
He has hugely successful business turnarounds and fundraising initiatives in several housing finance corporations .
He is currently spear-heading the implementation of the Shelter Afrique 5 year strategy Turn around strategy to ensure that the business is well positioned to partner effectively with African governments and the private sector to tackle the challenges facing affordable housing in Africa .Shelter Afrique has undergone a period of transition in the last two years ,but is now better placed to assist our shareholders and partners to deliver their large-scale affordable housing plans.
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