14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Andrew Chimphondah 2017 Speaker

Chief Executive Officer
Housing Investment Partners (Pty) Ltd, South Africa
Chief Executive Officer-Housing Investment Partners (Pty) Ltd
Board Member-Housing Investment Partners (Pty) Ltd
CA (SA), MBA (Durham-U.K), currently completing PHD
I am an accomplished Chartered Accountant with an MBA from Durham University from the United Kingdom. I enjoyed a fast-track development career with Unilever as Group Financial Manager of Unilever South East Africa. I was poached to become the Group Financial Director for Innscor Africa Limited overseeing operations in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Cote d’Ivoire. To gain additional International experience, I relocated my family to a town called Limassol in Cyprus were I assumed the role of CFO for a British American Company.
To gain further experience in Financial I joined the Financial Services Sector as a Director of Home Loan Products for Standard Bank of South Africa and was subsequently promoted to the position of Chief Operations Officer for Standard Insurance Limited.
Following a successful stint at Standard Insurance Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Bank of South Africa), I was headhunted by ABSA to head up their R1 Billion Home Loans Division in Gauteng as General Manager.
Due to an inherent passion to serve the Affordable Housing segment, I accepted an invitation to join the National Housing Finance Corporation as the Managing Executive of Home Front Finance (A newly launched Mortgage Lending business). I then successfully launched this Retail Business into a profitable well run mortgage business.
With effect from 1st January 2011, I was appointed into the position of Managing Executive for Strategic Partnerships and Investments. These include CTCHC (Cape Town Community Housing Company), TUHF (Trust for Urban Housing Finance) and HiP (Housing Investment Partners). The major role was to provide the much needed oversight over all NHFC subsidiaries and associates on behalf of the shareholder.
I was then subsequently invited to head up the Affordable Housing Division of the Old Mutual Group called the Housing Investment Partners (PTY) Ltd as CEO in 2014, which is a position I currently hold.
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