Accessing the Dashboard for the First Time

  1. Register by clicking on the “Click here to Register” Link on the welcome box
  2. Enter your email address into the welcome box, click Login and you will receive a code direct to your email inbox. You do not need a password. If the code is not received within a reasonable period of time, please check your junk box for a mail from and mark as a safe sender for future Dashboard visits
  3. Enter the code into the welcome box (you may need to refresh the page if the code is not accepted)
  4. A new page will open allowing you to Edit your Personal Details and to Add a New Investment Proposition

Accessing the Dashboard after the First Time

  1. Enter your email address used for registration into the welcome box, click Login and you will receive a code direct to your email inbox
  2. Enter the code into the welcome box
  3. Your Dashboard will open allowing you to access the following
    • Edit your Personal Details
    • Edit or delete your existing Investment Proposition(s)
    • Add another New Investment Proposition

Guidelines for Adding a New Investment Proposition

Click on the blue button at the top of the page: Add New Investment Proposition to open a fillable form:
Deal Name* This is an internal field for your use allowing you to identify each of your deals quickly. This field is not visible to investors. 120 characters
Snappy Investment Headline* A marketing-focused headline for the investment opportunity which is the first field seen by investors and should be short, informative and catchy eg. “Stimulating transformative development in rural East Africa through access to affordable power and internet 255 characters
Country of Incorporation The country in which the entity requiring capital is registered. pick list
Country of Operation The country/ies in which the project is operating pick list
Business Sector The sector(s) which describe your company’s sector of operation (more than one can be selected) pick list
Sector (if not shown above) Type in your company’s sector of operation if it is not available in the picklist above 255 characters
Current Corporate Structure Advise whether the company seeking capital is a private company (unlisted) or a public listed company (listed on a stock exchange) or not yet established or another structure pick list
Contact Information for further details The person/persons who can be contacted if there is investor interest in your proposition – include a name and email address as a minimum 10,000 characters
Make the deal public – yes/no? * A deal marked public will be viewable by investors and AFSIC attendees.  Mark the deal as not public if the information on this form is incomplete or if the deal is not yet ready to show investors. Check box
Detailed Executive Summary* Provide a detailed description of your business proposition. You can include the history of the business, the reason for raising capital, proposed use of funds, your future business growth plans and your unique competitive advantage. 10,000 characters
Executive Team Summary Investors place a lot of emphasis on the team behind an investment proposition. Please use this space to highlight the strengths of your key team members – who you are, your relevant experience and why investors should back you. 10,000 characters
Overview of Market You may wish to include more details on the market in which you operate, including market size, growth rate and other matters of significance. 10,000 characters
Overview of Financial Performance You can include some historic financial information and financial projections in this box. Investors are generally more comfortable to support businesses that are already operating profitably or demonstrating growth. Although of course there are specific investors who back start-ups and “venture capital” opportunities. As a minimum, please note whether financial statements can be made available for the past three years. 10,000 characters
Proposed Investment Transaction* This is where you outline to investors what capital you are seeking. Are you looking for debt or equity or another type of capital and under what terms? What is the size of investment required and note which currency you are quoting. How quickly do you need the funds? Any other details that can help an investor decide whether to engage with you or not on this project. 10,000 characters
Click on the Submit button and the project will be uploaded to the AFSIC Investor Dashboard database and one of our team will be in touch if there are any uploading issues or clarifications needed.

*Mandatory field